
Below are some special offers available to clients. Some of the special offers will have a Promo Code that you'll be prompted to enter during the order process.

MULTIPLE ORDER DISCOUNT10% OFF each listing package.List two or more properties and receive 10% off each listing package purchased.Call us at 503-694-7020. PROMO CODE: "multiple"Expires: 8/31/2020Available on purchasing our $299 listing package or above. Only applicable on orders after August 31st, 2020.
GOOGLE SPECIAL OFFER10% OFF ON FULL-SERVICE PACKAGESPurchase one of our Full-Service packages and save thousands selling your home.Call us at 503-694-7020. PROMO CODE: "full-service" Expires: 12/31/202010% discount off of the upfront set-up fee. Not the real estate commission.
PROFESSIONAL PHOTO SHOOT$100 DISCOUNTOur Photographer will come to your property and take professional-looking photos.PROMO CODE: "photo-shoot"Expires: 5/31/2020Regular price is $259. With this promotion you will pay only $149. Possible trip charge depending on your properties location.
Greg Messick
Realty Net, LLC.
Ph: 503-694-7020Fax:(800) 883-6905
5 Centerpointe Drive, Ste 400
Lake Oswego, OR 97035 US
License # 201231773