Optional Products & Services

Realtor.com Showcase Listing: On Realtor.com means you get up to 25 photos, customizable headline, scrolling text, and up to 2500 character description of your property on the nation's #1 real estate destination web site.  |
Listing Syndication: List Hub™ is the national marketing and advertising platform exclusively for real estate professionals. Under our complete control, it allows us to harness the power of organized real estate by instantly syndicating our listings and presenting them to hundreds of matched buyers.  |
Home Feedback Service: This program allows you to receive E-Mail feed back from the buyer's agents after showings.  |
$49 |

Professional Real Estate Sign: Realtors are much more comfortable showing homes with a realtor's sign. (plus shipping)  |

Directional Sign: Place the directional sign at the main intersection to direct people to your home. (plus shipping)  |
Yard Flyer Box: Use the Yard Box to connect to your Yard Sign, put flyers in it and attract the buyers! There is no better way to reinforce the features of your home than with a free flyer for that prospective buyer to take with them. (plus shipping)
Sign Post: 52" Steel Round Tube Sign Post
Self-Locking 2-Piece Frame is easy to assemble and store. Finished in oven-baked high gloss white. All Hardware included! NO tools required!
(plus shipping)
Colonial Sign Post: White vinyl 4" x 4" sign post approximately 5 foot tall. This is the same type of sign post that many professional Realtor's use. (Not available in all areas.) 
Trip charge in outlying areas: $49

Electronic Supra Lock Box Rental: This is the same lock box Realtors use on their listings. Every time a Realtor access the lock box it automatically creates a record their contact information and time they opened the lock box. (plus shipping & deposit)  |

Combination Lock Box Purchase: When a Realtor needs to show your property he or she will call you for the combination. (plus shipping & handling)  |

Virtual tour: A Virtual Slide Show Tour is one of the most effective marketing tools available to real estate agents. These days, over 80-85% of the home buyers are using the Internet in their search for their homes. Now a home buyer can view and practically walk through dozens of homes online with Virtual Tours. (digital jpeg files to be provided by seller) 
Professional Photographer Service: A professional photographer will come to your home and take up to 16 still photos that will be uploaded to the MLS and REALTOR.com®. (Available in the Portland Metro area only)  |
$199 |
Full Service Virtual Tours: Hold an Open House without ever opening your front door. Virtual Tours provide your home with a tremendous technological edge. With ByOwnerOregon Virtual Tour package your home is shown over the Internet in cinematic fashion. Viewers can virtually walk through entire rooms from the comfort of their home or work computers.  |
$179 to $249 |
Open House: Your Open House will be input in to the MLS and/or REALTOR.com®. You can choose to have it posted one time or purchase our unlimited input option. |
$10 to $149 |
Shipping and handling not included
Optional Professional Real Estate Services
Comparative Market Analysis (CMA): A Realtor will prepare a report of all homes that have sold in your area in the last 6 months. This report will help determine the right price range for your home. |
Seller Representation with a represented Buyer: Once an offer has been made, negotiation skills are vital in getting the best price for your home. Let us help you once the buyer is found, review all offers, consult on counter offers, do all purchase and sale paperwork in your best interests. (Select this package if the Buyer is represented by a Buyers Agent) |
Seller Representation with a unrepresented Buyer: Some Buyers prefer to work with the Seller directly so there is not a Buyers Agent receiving a commission. With this option we will help facilitate the transaction and prepare the necessary documents to complete the sale of your property. |

Real Estate Attorney: Our in house Real Estate Attorney can help you understand the intricacies of a real estate transaction, the process you will be going through, the questions and issues that arise, and help you avoid potential pitfalls. (hourly rate could be higher if litigation or arbitration is required)  |
$175 Per Hour